As much as 43% of women and 31% of men in America report some degree of sexual dysfunction. Sexual wellness is key to the overall health and well-being of individuals, couples, and families. Fortunately, Dr. Jené Ferrante, ND, and the team at Hawaii Natural Medicine offer sexual wellness support to patients aged 20 and older in Honolulu, Hawaii. You may benefit from regenerative treatments like hormone and shockwave therapy or the P-shot® or O-shot®. To learn more, call the practice today or schedule an appointment online.
What is sexual wellness?
Sexual health, or wellness, is a state of physical, emotional, mental, and social well-being concerning sexuality.
Sexual wellness isn’t only about the absence of sexual diseases or dysfunction; it also involves the possibility of having pleasurable sexual experiences.
Physical, mental, or medical conditions can cause issues with sexual wellness. These may include diabetes, various chronic diseases, hormonal imbalances, substance use disorder, or depression.
For women, childbirth, aging, and menopause can cause vaginal lubrication issues and lead to less pleasurable sex. Men may also experience issues with sexual dysfunction as they age.
Schedule your FREE 15 minute sexual wellness consultation to learn how we can help! Schedule now