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What Every Woman Should Know About Menopausal Symptoms and Hormone Replacement Therapy

Sep 06, 2024
What Every Woman Should Know About Menopausal Symptoms and Hormone Replacement Therapy

Menopausal symptoms are no longer something you just need to endure. Learn how novel approaches to hormone replacement therapy can restore your well-being and may have protective effects on your heart and bones.

Menopausal symptoms are caused by a drop primarily in estrogen and progesterone but also by other hormones such as testosterone, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and luteinizing hormone (LH). In concert, these hormones impact your bone density, skin, hair, metabolism, brain function, cardiovascular function, libido, and vaginal tissues.

For many years, women have mistakenly stayed away from hormone replacement therapy out of fear of developing cancer. In women who suffered from estrogen-dependent cancers in the past, hormone replacement is not recommended. Still, most women can benefit from treating their low hormone levels without fearing serious side effects.

Our expert at Hawaii Natural Medicine, Jené Ferrante, ND, explains everything you need to know about menopausal symptoms and their management.

Understanding the root cause of your menopausal symptoms

Traditional hormone replacement therapy focuses primarily on estrogen and progesterone, but these two hormones aren’t the only ones responsible for your menopausal symptoms.

While a decrease in estrogen may lead to hair loss, wrinkles, hot flashes, mood swings, and vaginal dryness, a reduction in testosterone may lead to dry skin, low energy levels, and a decrease in sexual desire.

Newer hormone replacement therapies, such as bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT), involve testing and supplementation, if needed, not only of estrogen and progesterone but also of testosterone. Many women resolve their libido issues upon receiving small amounts of testosterone during menopause.

Aside from the uncomfortable symptoms, the decline in hormones during menopause may increase the risk of osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, urinary incontinence, and recurrent urinary tract infections. Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy has a protective effect against these.

How bioidentical hormone replacement relieves symptoms

The first step in assessing your hormone needs is testing. Under our expert's guidance, all hormones involved in menopausal symptoms are tested, and your treatment is made based on your needs.

The next step is monitoring. Some women may be more sensitive to hormones than others, and subsequently, hormone levels may need to be adjusted for the best results.

The constant monitoring and the tailored dose of hormones, including hormones that are otherwise not included in traditional hormone replacement therapies, often yield superior results in menopausal women.

Find out if you are a good candidate for bioidentical hormone replacement therapy

Not all women are suitable candidates for hormone treatments, but those who are can experience a protective effect against cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis while resolving menopausal symptoms as well.

Contact us to schedule an appointment in our office located in Honolulu, Hawaii, to find out if you could benefit from bioidentical hormone replacement therapy for your menopausal symptoms.